Dear Mums, Dads, Guardians and not least players,
As you may or may not be aware, grassroots football in Scotland (and the UK in general) is slowly beginning to start up again following the relaxation of certain Covid19 restrictions.
This is certainly very good news for the sport and Forres Soccer Sevens welcome this with open arms. However, based on the current guidance, the Board do not believe we can yet offer football in a safe manner especially as we cater for up to 200 players aged 4 years upwards. Ultimately, the safety and well being of our players, spectators and coaches is of paramount importance and until we can ensure everyone’s safety we will continue to remain closed.
In the meantime, we are proposing that we start to get our club ready for action again. We are in the process of organising the routine grass cutting and are considering actions that will be needed in the pavilion. Mandatory PPE, hand sanitiser and extra disinfectants etc are being ordered so that we have all we need when the time is right. We might not get a lot of notice and we want to be ready to go as soon as possible
We would like to thank you all for your patience and ongoing support for our club. Rest assured we will be open as soon as safely possible.
Watch this space.
Kind regards
Paul Lynch