Forres Area soccer7s are delighted to announce that Moray Firth Credit Union have renewed their Team Sponsorship.
Due to a name change from Forres Area Credit Union, the local Credit Union decided to take out a new sponsorship deal, a year early.
The Chair of the Moray Firth Credit Union, Lorna Creswell said ” Moray Firth Credit Union (formerly Forres Area Credit Union) has sponsored a Forres Soccer 7’s football team for many years as we felt it was good promotion and at that time we had savings clubs in Primary schools. We all want healthy bairns that keep as active as possible in sports and for them to learn about Money and saving for their ‘goals’ a new bike or computer or a ski trip. Credit Unions are Savings & Loans Co-operatives and owned and run by members. Regular good savings habits we encourage and being part of a team…… parents may want to borrow if they take out memberships too!
Soccer7s Chairperson, Paul Lynch added “It is fantastic to have such great support from local companies, such as Moray Firth Credit Union who have renewed their sponsorship contract with us. Due to them rebranding they took the opportunity to bring forward their sponsorship a year which allowed us to have new strips with their new logo.” “We will be looking to renew our sponsorship agreements with the rest of our sponsors at the end of this season, with all new strips ready for the 2023 season.
Pictured is the Moray Firth Credit Union Super5s Team with their new tops. Next year, we plan for the kids to wear their new full strips.
If you would like anymore information about Moray Firth Credit Union, then please click on the link and it will take you to their website Home – Moray Firth Credit Union
A huge year coming up for Soccer7s, where we will be celebrating our 30th year and all the rest of our sponsorships will be up for renewal.