Forres Area Soccer 7s Club Constitution
1. The name of the Club shall be FORRES AREA SOCCER SEVENS, herein after referred to as ‘the Club’, and includes all previously affiliated organisations, i.e. FASDA, Development 4s, Development 11s, and Forres Flamingos. The Club will be non-profit making. All income is used in the administration of the club and provide and upkeep equipment & building. The Club will be located, and operate from; it’s registered address at the Grant Park Pavilion, Forres.
2. The aims of the Club shall be: –
(a) To promote the playing of soccer by boys and girls of primary school age in and around the Forres area. Players from other areas may be invited to participate at the discretion of the Board.
(b) In line with the policy of the Scottish Football Association to encourage fun and enjoyment in soccer with the emphasis on encouraging skill, not competitiveness.
(c) To encourage adults through the appropriate SFA coaching courses to acquire the necessary skill and qualifications to promote the game of soccer fours, sevens football.
(d) To acknowledge the SFA player pathway structure for boys and girls of school age and implement, either in part or in full, where it is in the best interests of the Club, to do so.
3. Membership of the Club will be open: –
(a) Free of charge to adult helpers and Club Board.
(b) To players of all sections by payment of appropriate administration fee to assist with the general running of the Club, and to purchase and maintain equipment. This fee will be payable on registration prior to the commencement of each season, including the option to make on line payment, and will cover all organised skills days, match days, competitions and festivals.
(c) The Club Board will endeavour at all times to keep membership fees to a minimum and inability to pay will not debar children from membership where sufficient reserve funds are held by the Club. All children in the catered age group will be invited to join, including those challenged by physical or mental disability. (d) The age categories for all players will be determined by reference to the SFA player pathway.
4. (a) The governance of the Club will be vested in and conducted by a Board comprising the Office Bearers and up to 10 elected members. Where a vacancy occurs during the term of office, the Board will be empowered to co-opt a member to that post. A co- opted member will serve only for the the period or part of it of the term in which he or she was co-opted, but will be eligible for re- election by the Board at the end of the defined period of office.
(d) The specific length of tenure for all Office Bearers will be determined by the Board.
(e) As part of the Board, a parent member will be nominated to represent the views of all parents/guardians of players. He/she will have full voting powers as other Board members.
(f) As part of the Board, a player representative will be nominated by the players to represent the views of all players. He/she will have full voting powers as other Board members.
(g) The Chairperson, Vice- Chairperson, or other designated Board member, will represent the Formatted: Not Highlight 2 Forres Area Soccer Sevens – Club Constitution Club on any Forum overseeing the development of football within the Forres area.
(h) The Board has discretion to appoint an Honorary President of the Club who will advise the Board on all aspects of Club business and may, from time to time, be assigned specific responsibilities. The Honorary President will have an ex-officio position on the Club Board.
(i) The Board must ensure that there is sufficient funding available to meet the Club’s share of the annual lease cost of the Grant Park Pavilion.
(j) If the Club finds itself in a position where there are insufficient funds available to continue to operate, then the Board may consider formally dissolving the Club and disposing of its assets.
(k) An agreed purchase order system will operate for all purchases made on behalf of the Club. The Board has agreed the following authorisation limits for Office Bearers:
For purchases under £100 – authorised by Chairperson or Vice-Chair in his/her absence. Cheque signed by any two Office Bearers.
For purchases between £100 -£500 – authorised by Chairperson only. Cheque signed by any two Office Bearers.
For purchases between £500 -£1000 – authorised by Chairperson only. Cheque signed by Treasurer and Chairperson only.
For purchases over £1000 – authorised by Board (min 5 members present). Cheque signed by Treasurer and Chairperson only. Quotes from three different suppliers to ensure best price.
(l) On occasion, the Club may receive financial donations from external organisations or individuals, (for example, the trustees of the late Margaret Cameron estate). The Board will establish a separate Community Fund in order to utilise such income for the benefit of the Club itself, and/or make a financial donation to another community organisation at the total discretion of the Board.
5. The Club Office Bearers shall consist of Chairperson, up to 2 Vice-Chairpersons, Secretary and Treasurer. The other roles within the Board will be determined by the Chairperson and agreed by the Board. Co-opted members may be invited to attend all Board meetings, however he/she would not be able to vote on any Club matters.
6. The Board has the following powers: –
a. To appoint all Office Bearers and any other Club official as necessary, by the use of a defined selection process. In respect of the appointment of a new Chairperson, designated Board members will be involved in the selection process.
b. To manage, conduct and undertake the routine business of the Club.
c. At Board meetings (5 being a quorum, inclusive of at least 2 office bearers), the Chairperson, whom failing the Vice-Chairperson, shall have a casting vote in addition to a substantive vote.
d. To develop, alter and amend from time to time the Rules and Conditions relating to football competitions, skill days and festivals.
e. In the event of any members contravening said Rules and Conditions, or is in serious breach of the agreed discipline of the various competitions and activities carried on by the Club, to terminate forthwith his/her membership if, in their view, such termination is justified.
f. To enter into on behalf of the Club any contract, lease or other agreement necessary to carry out any of the objects and aims of the Club, any deed to be validly executed by the Club if subscribed on their behalf by the Chairperson, whom failing the Vice-Chairperson, and the Treasurer.
g. To organise football tournaments and other non-football related events, as a way of generating income and/or publicity for the Club.
7. The Annual General Meeting of members (10 being a quorum) shall be held at the beginning of each calendar year but before the commencement of the season. The ordinary business to be submitted shall include:-
a. Chairperson’s Annual Report.
b. Secretary’s Report.
c. Treasurer’s Report.
d. To notify those present of the resignation of any of the Office Bearers and to advise on the election of new Office Bearers as required.
e. Confirmation of the appointment of Board Members in lieu of those retiring or to fill casual vacancies.
f. Any general business considered incidental to the normal conducting of the Club’s affairs. Fourteen days notice by public advertisement shall be given prior to the date of any Annual General Meeting and such advertisement shall specify generally the nature of any special business to be considered. Any member desiring to put forward special business to be considered must intimate in writing to the Secretary 7 days prior to the date of the AGM outlining the nature of any such special business. At any Annual General Meeting, the Chairperson, whom failing the Vice-Chairperson, shall preside and, on a vote in the event of equality, he/she shall have a casting vote in addition to a deliberative vote.
8. The Club is one of the two tenants of the Grant Park Pavilion and leases the building from the landlord, Moray Council, which owns the facility. Upon the Club folding or falling into abeyance for whatever reason, the funds and equipment will be appropriately distributed to the community to promote soccer within the Forres Area.
9. All adult members of the Club will require a Disclosure Scotland check. This will be done through the Secretary and Volunteer Scotland. At all times, confidentiality will be maintained. The only members of the Club to see any results of these checks will be the Chairperson, Secretary, and the Child Protection Officer. If a person leaves the Club and then returns, a further Disclosure Scotland check will require to be submitted. Disclosure records for all Managers and Assistants will be held in Club office in a secure lockable cabinet. Disclosure records for Board members will be held off site at a place deemed suitable by the Chairperson.
10. It is the responsibility of all adult members of the Club to ensure that the general running and business of the Club takes priority over any other activity. Any event outwith the Club will not take precedence over the Club’s league, cup and invitation tournaments and under no circumstances will fixtures be re-scheduled without first being approved after consultation and deliberation by the Chairperson. After players have been formally registered, during February there may be a series of football festivals during which all registered players will have a formal induction to the Club. Team selection will then be undertaken as follows:
Part One – Team Selection shall be carried out by the Board on an agreed date. Part Two – Once teams have been selected they will be handed to the Club Secretary in sealed envelopes. The teams will then be ratified by the Board. This process is to identify any anomalies missed during the selection process and/or to balance teams’ strengths and weaknesses.
Part Three – The Board will meet on an agreed date and any anomalies/strengths/ weaknesses highlighted during ratification will be addressed. Once changes have been made and the Board are satisfied, then the team selection process will be complete.
11. Kitchen The Club will operate a kitchen facility from the Club Pavilion at which a range of hot and cold food and refreshments may be provided for sale to the general public. The kitchen will be staffed by volunteers/ representatives of the Club who must comply with current food hygiene requirements including the provision of appropriate certification. The kitchen facility is shared with the Grant Park Bowling Club and must comply with all environmental health policies and procedures of the Moray Council, who may inspect the facilities at any time. The Board will determine the budget for the kitchen at the commencement of each season. The kitchen will be self financing unless exceptionally, any additional expenditure needs to be made available by the Board.
12. Managers / Coaches Duties / Responsibilities
(a) All managers/coaches will wear Club ID and Club uniform at all times when undertaking duties for the Club. This is particularly important for the identification of Club officials to members of the public and to the emergency services if responding to an incident on Club premises.
(b) All managers/coaches receive a brief on the running of the Club and their responsibilities, prior to the start of the season.
(c) All managers/coaches will have access to regular training sessions organised by the Club.
(d) Managers/coaches are to contact parents and players to arrange a suitable time where they can all meet so the team can be introduced to one another as well as explaining the Club’s rules and procedures.
(e) Managers/Coaches are to arrange training for their team at least once per week if possible.
(f) All players must be informed of the rules.
(g) Games must be played in accordance with the fixtures programme. Should a game need to be rearranged for any reason, the Club Secretary is to be informed at least 24 hours before. All children must be informed of the cancellation as well as the opposite team manager/coach. Managers/Coaches who call off a match or fail to turn out for a fixture and/or cannot agree with opposition team Manager/Coach to play the match within the specified time will forfeit the match with a 1-0 score and 3 points being awarded to the opposing team.
(h) Managers/coaches are responsible for the child’s welfare during training and match days. Children with any medical condition should be closely monitored at all times.
(i) Managers/coaches are responsible for the safety and washing of their allocated team’s football shirts. Children are permitted to take shirts home after the games, however it is the manager’s responsibility to ensure that all football shirts are returned to the Club at the end of each season.
(j) Managers/coaches are to inform the Board of any welfare or injury problems to team members.
(k) Managers/coaches are to ensure that players in all sections are given equal playing time during games.
(l) Managers/coaches are to stop children from swinging on cross bars or misusing any other equipment provided by the Club.
(m) Managers/coaches have the right to remove any player from the field of play should at any time that child becomes abusive in any manner to fellow team and/or opposition players, managers/coaches or members of the watching public. The manager/coach should also enforce this ruling if any player becomes physical towards another player that is deemed an act that can harm. If managers/coaches fail to carry out this action and a player is sent from the field of play by the referee/match supervisor, punishment will awarded accordingly by a decision agreed by the Board on completion of a disciplinary hearing.
13. General Rules.
13.1 4-a-side Football (Development 4s)
a) The Field of Play – The field of play should be 30 metres by 20 metres. – Goalposts shall be 1.8 metres by 1.2 metres (6ft by 4ft) or smaller. – There should be a centre mark at the midpoint of the halfway line.
b) The Ball – A size 3 ball should be used.
c) The Number of Players – Teams will comprise 4 outfield players, no goalkeepers. – Squads may consist of up to 6 players with rolling substitutions throughout the match. – Players who have been substituted may return to the field of play as often as necessary. – All team members should receive equal playing time where possible.
d) The Players’ Equipment – All players must wear shin-guards. – Metal studs are suitable for grass fields only. – Players must wear the appropriate clothing dependent on weather. – Glasses may be worn provided they have safety frames and lenses.
e) The Referee – A match supervisor shall be either a club official or an adult approved by both sides and will not be allowed to coach either team.
f) The Duration of the Match – Matches should be organised on a round robin festival basis and be trophy free. – Each match should last no more than 10 minutes. – The team leaders have joint discretion to alter this in the event of poor weather conditions, pitch conditions or an obvious mismatch. – There should be a minimum of 5 minutes between matches with a maximum of 4 matches.
g) The Start and Restart of Play – On scoring a goal the team that scores will retreat to the halfway line. The team conceding the goal will restart the game from the penalty area by either dribbling directly into play or playing a short forward pass.
h) The Ball in and out of Play – Normal rules apply
i) The Method of Scoring – Normal rules apply
j) Offside – There is no offside rule and there is no retreating line.
k) Fouls and Misconduct – Normal rules apply – Team coaches should immediately substitute any player showing unacceptable behaviour
l) Free Kicks – Normal rules apply except that the distance an opposing player must be is 6 metres from the ball. – All free kicks are indirect.
m) The Penalty Kick – There are no penalty kicks
n) The Throw In – In the event of the ball going out of play a kick-in will be awarded. – All Opposition players must be 6 metres from the ball. – The player taking the kick-in must use a short pass with the inside of the foot.
o) The Goal Kick – Goal kicks should be taken out from the penalty area, but without a penalty area marked. The players must place the ball down and either dribble directly into play or play a short pass with the inside of the foot
p) The Corner Kick – Normal rules apply except that opposing players must be 6 metres away
q) General – Team coaches will stand on the same side of the field. Parents should stand on the opposite side of the pitch behind a marked area, for example, cones, pitch tapes etc. – Depending on the venue, parents should be encouraged to stand a distance away from the pitch, to only encourage players and to uphold fair play. – Team coaches should encourage the rotation of players to experience different parts of the pitch. – At the start and end of every game, team coaches should encourage both teams to shake hands with each other and the officials.
13.2 5-a-side (Super 5‘s)
a) The Field of Play – The field of play should be 40 metres by 20 metres. – Goalposts shall be 4.9 metres by 1.8 metres (16ft by 6ft). – There should be a centre mark at the midpoint of the halfway line.
b) The Ball – A size 3 ball should be used.
c) The Number of Players – Teams will comprise 4 outfield players, plus goalkeepers. – Squads may consist of up to 7 players with rolling substitutions throughout the match. – Players who have been substituted may return to the field of play as often as necessary. – All team members should receive equal playing time where possible.
d) The Players’ Equipment – All players must wear shin-guards. – Metal studs are suitable for grass fields only. – Players must wear the appropriate clothing dependent on weather. – Glasses may be worn provided they have safety frames and lenses.
e) The Referee A match supervisor shall be either a club official or an adult approved by both sides and will not be allowed to coach either team.
f) The Duration of the Match – Matches should be organised on a round robin festival basis and be trophy free. – Each match should last no more than 15 minutes. – The team leaders have joint discretion to alter this in the event of poor weather conditions, pitch conditions or an obvious mismatch. – There should be a minimum of 5 minutes between matches with a maximum of 3 matches within a 1 Hr period.
g) The Start and Restart of Play – On scoring a goal the team that scores will retreat to the halfway line. The team conceding the goal will restart the game from the penalty area by either dribbling directly into play or playing a short forward pass.
h) The Ball in and out of Play – Normal rules apply
i) The Method of Scoring – Normal rules apply
j) Offside – There is no offside rule and there is no retreating line. 7 Forres Area Soccer Sevens – Club Constitution
k) Fouls and Misconduct – Normal rules apply – Team coaches should immediately substitute any player showing unacceptable behaviour
l) Free Kicks – Normal rules apply except that the distance an opposing player must be is 6 metres from the ball. – All free kicks are indirect.
m) The Penalty Kick – There are no penalty kicks
n) The Throw In – In the event of the ball going out of play a kick-in will be awarded. – All Opposition players must be 6 metres from the ball. – The player taking the kick-in must use a short pass with the inside of the foot.
o) The Goal Kick – Goal kicks should be taken out from the penalty area, but without a penalty area marked. The players must place the ball down and either dribble directly into play or play a short pass with the inside of the foot
p) The Corner Kick – Normal rules apply except that opposing players must be 6 metres away
q) General – Team coaches will stand on the same side of the field. Parents should stand on the opposite side of the pitch behind a marked area, for example, cones, pitch tapes etc. – Depending on the venue, parents should be encouraged to stand a distance away from the pitch, to only encourage players and to uphold fair play. – Team coaches should encourage the rotation of players to experience different parts of the pitch. – At the start and end of every game, team coaches should encourage both teams to shake hands with each other and the officials.
13.3 7-a-side (Soccer7s)
a) The Field of Play – The field of play shall be 36 to 45 metres wide and 55 to 65 metres long – Goalposts should be no more than 4.9 metres x 1.8 metres (16ft by 6ft) The Penalty Area The penalty area is defined at each end of the field as follows: – Two lines are drawn at right angles to the goal lines 20 metres apart from each other. These lines extend into the field of play for a distance of 10 metres and are joined by a line drawn parallel with the goal line. Within each penalty area a penalty mark is made 9 metres from the midpoint between the goalposts and equidistant to them. There should be a centre mark at the midpoint of the halfway line
b) The Ball – A size 4 ball should be used.
c) The Number of Players – Teams will comprise 6 outfield players plus a goalkeeper. – Team squads may consist of up to 10 players with rolling substitutions used throughout the match. – Players who have been substituted may return to the field of play as often as necessary. – All team members should receive equal playing time where possible. – In the event of an obvious mismatch the weaker team as jointly agreed by the respective team leaders, may field an extra player 8 Forres Area Soccer Sevens – Club Constitution
d) The Players’ Equipment – All players must wear shin-guards. – Metal studs are suitable for grass fields only. – Players must wear the appropriate clothing dependent on weather. – Glasses may be worn provided they have safety frames and lenses.
e) The Referee A match supervisor shall be either a club official or an adult approved by both sides and will not be allowed to coach either team.
f) The Duration of the Match Age groups 9 and 10 – The duration of the game shall be 2 periods of 20 minutes with a 5 minute interval. Matches should be organised on a festival basis or as weekly fixtures and shall be trophy free. Festival format may require some flexibility in timing depending on the venue and booking times. Age groups 11 and 12 – the duration of the game shall be 2 periods of 25 minutes with a 5 minute interval. Matches should be organised on a festival basis or as weekly fixtures and shall be trophy free. Festival format may require some flexibility in timing depending on the venue and booking times.
g) The Start and Restart of Play – On scoring a goal the team that scores will retreat to the halfway line. The team conceding the goal will restart the game from the penalty area by either dribbling directly into play or playing a short forward pass.
h) The Ball in and out of Play – Normal rules apply
i) The Method of Scoring – Normal rules apply
j) Offside – There is no offside rule and there is no retreating line.
k) Fouls and Misconduct – Normal rules apply – Team coaches should immediately substitute any player showing unacceptable behaviour
l) Pass Back – For age groups 9 and 10 the deliberate pass to the goalkeeper does not apply. – For age groups 11 and 12 the deliberate pass to the goalkeeper does apply.
m) Free Kicks – Normal rules apply except that the distance an opposing player must be is 6 metres from the ball. – All free kicks are indirect.
n) The Penalty Kick – Normal rules apply
o) The Throw In -Age group 9 and 10 should use kick-ins – In the event of the ball going out of play a kick-in will be awarded. – All Opposition players must be 6 metres from the ball. – The player taking the kick-in must use a short pass with the inside of the foot. Age group 11 and 12 should take throw-ins – In the event of the ball going out of play a throw-in will be awarded.
p) The Goal Kick – Goalkeepers must either throw the ball or make a pass from the ground to a team mate. The goalkeeper must not kick the ball from hand
q) The Corner Kick – Normal rules apply.
r) General – Team coaches will stand on the same side of the field. Parents should stand on the opposite side of the pitch behind a marked area, for example, cones, pitch tapes etc. – Depending on the venue, parents should be encouraged to stand a distance away from the pitch, to only encourage players and to uphold fair play. – Team coaches should encourage the rotation of players to experience different parts of the pitch. – At the start and end of every game, team coaches should encourage both teams to shake hands with each other and the officials.
13.4 All sections
Teams are responsible for ensuring that all nets, posts, hammers, boxes and pegs are returned to the store after the last match. Any damaged item is to be reported to the Store and Equipment Rep immediately.
Children are not permitted to enter the storage area of the Pavilion. Managers/coaches are to pass out equipment to the players.
Players who are sent off will receive an automatic one-match ban. A Club disciplinary committee will meet if the sending off offence is deemed to require a stronger punishment. The disciplinary committee will comprise the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson and a designated manager from each section. The Club Secretary will convene the hearing within 7 days.
All players must wear white socks and shorts. Shin guards must be worn with socks pulled up. Players not wearing shin guards or white shorts/socks will be not be allowed to play until correctly dressed. White shorts and socks are available directly from the Club.
Glasses are not to be worn when playing, unless they are specifically designed plastic lens sport glasses.
Substitutes are to be used as often as possible, on a roll-on, roll-off basis, to ensure equal playing time.
The same children are not to be used as first subs during every match.
In all sections, managers must not field players from other teams.
All players must be registered.
14. Referees and Fixtures rules
Games must be played in accordance with the fixtures programme.
There is be no league table
The minimum number of players required for a junior game to be played is five Referees will use yellow and red cards where appropriate to deal with any on-field breaches of discipline.
In agreement with each manager/coach, the referee will choose the player to be the recipient of the Ian Skivington Fair Play award for each match in all sections. Any Manager/Coach who persistently challenges the referee’s decisions, or in any other way breaches the Club’s disciplinary code, will be asked to leave the immediate area and a written report of the incident passed to the Chairperson and or Child Protection Officer if necessary.
15. Discipline and Procedures The following actions will result in disciplinary proceedings which may also result in a referral to the Club’s Child Protection Officer where appropriate.
(a) Any act that contravenes the Forres Area Soccer Sevens Child and Coach Protection Policy, in particular:
(i) Sent from the field of play for abusive language to another player or adult.
(ii) Sent from the field of play for any form of physical contact that harms or is considered an act deemed harmful towards another player.
(iii) Any player seen to damage possessions not belonging to him/her.
(iv) Any player seen to take possessions not belonging to him/her without the consent of the owner.
(v) Any player seen wilfully damaging property belonging to the Club or another Club member/player.
(b) In addition to General Rules (13.4), any players who accumulate three bookings will automatically receive a one-match ban.
(c) Any disciplinary action decided by the Board for players who are sent off the field of play for a serious offence at the end of league phase will see that punishment carried forward to the Cup phase.
(d) If a player is sent off the field of play at the annual Festival of Football event, at the discretion of the Board, a letter will be sent out to the parents explaining the sending off. The player will receive a clean slate for the new season.
(e) Any player who continually persists in non-compliance of the rules and code of conduct of the Club shall, upon a formal decision agreed by the Board, be immediately expelled from the Club.
(f) Any Club Official who continually persists in non-compliance of the rules and code of conduct of the Club shall, upon a formal decision agreed by the Board, be immediately expelled from the Club. Where the conduct of the Chairperson, or other Office Bearer, is deemed to be in breach of Club rules, then the Board will determine the appropriate course of action.
16. Constitution This Constitution was adopted by the Club Board at its meeting held at Forres on 7 th Jan 2015. The revised constitution will be notified to the next AGM. This replaces the original constitution adopted at the inaugural Club meeting held on 19th August 1993 and any other adopted constitutions thereafter. The Constitution will be reviewed every three years.
Signed: ……………………………………………….. Date: …………………………