The Forres Area Soccer 7’s board would like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy new year when it comes.
With the start of the 2020 season just around the corner we would like to give out some important dates. The first being the 16th Feb 20, which will be the skills day starting at 10:00. We ask that the players be there for 09:40 to get warmed up. This is only for the Super 5’s and Junior 7’s, which will help the board make the teams as even as possible for the upcoming season. If you haven’t registered your child for next season can you please do so before the 16th Feb. Don’t worry if you miss this date our registration is open all season long and we never turn any child away, there is always space.

The season will start on the 1st Mar 20, which will allow the teams to be sorted, the coaches informed of their team/players and for the coaches to contact the parents of the players. This day will also see the start of the Developmental 4’s, kicking off at 10:00 and finishing at 11:00. The Super 5’s and Junior 7’s will kick off at 11:30 and look to finish around 13:00. Please remember that boots and shin guards are a must for the safety of the players.
We will once again look to start up the Senior 7’s, aged 13-16 year olds, this season. This will start on the 15th Mar 20 and we are looking for players and coaches for this section so if you are interested please get in touch with us.
In the meantime you can register your child for the 2020 season through our website.
I hope everyone enjoys the holidays and we will see you all next year.
Paul Lynch
Forres Area Soccer 7’s