The club would like to thank everyone who has registered for the 2023 season, we have been overwhelmed with the amount of numbers so far. Due to the large numbers in the Super 5s & Junior 7s age group, we have had to take the decision to close the registration for these 2 age groups, with immediate effect. If your child attended the Skills Day but haven’t yet registered them, don’t worry they have been allocated a team so please contact the club and we can arrange the registration.
We will however be able to start a waiting list for anyone who wishes to possibly attend in the future. If you haven’t registered and you would like your child to be added to the waiting list, please email office@forres-soccer7s.co.uk with your child’s name, D.O.B, and leave your contact details.
Registration will stay opened for the Developmental 4s & Senior 7s sections.
If anyone has any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Kind regards
Paul Lynch
Forres Area Soccer 7s