We are delighted to announce another local company that has agreed to sponsor one of our Super 5s teams for the next 3 years, Stew n Drew’s Ice Cream.
When we spoke with Stewart (the owner) he had this to say ‘We have always supported clubs and events in and around our local area. This year we decided to support Forres Soccer 7’s. My eldest son Louis has been attending these sessions for the past couple years, so I have witnessed the hard work and dedication that goes into running the club. My youngest son will be attending this year too, so I personally will look forward to attending the Sunday morning training and games to watch.’
He also added, ‘Forres Soccer 7’s is such a great offering to the community and kids of all ages and skills, everyone is made to feel welcome; well done and let’s hope for another good season. We are very proud to be a sponsor for the next 3 years.’
Stew n Drew’s manufacture dairy ice cream from their factory in Hopeman. They have a small seasonal shop on the main street in Hopeman from which you can select from an array of 24 different flavours of ice cream, plus dairy free options.
Their main business is wholesaling ice cream. They manufacture and distribute throughout Scotland, supplying everything from corner shops to hotels, restaurants, cafes, and other ice cream parlours. They have been producing ice cream for 9 years now and look forward to moving into their new purpose premises this time next year.